Carrying the Fire

How do we pass on what has been given to us?

We carry the fire to the next generation.

This is how we see our job at Comenius (1 min vid + text + QR code).

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Pictures: Josh Collingwood, Snappy Goat


To “carry the fire” is the ancient practice of transporting a blaze from one place to another. Nomadic peoples moved the embers of a fire in clay pots to ignite the next fire, in the next location. The metaphor of continuation has been used in an astronaut’s biography, musical lyrics, and most recently in Cormac McCarthy’s writings. In The Road a father and son travel alone in the vast emptiness of a post-apocalyptic world. The father uses the metaphor of “carrying the fire” to encourage his son toward perseverance, goodness, and hope. Much has been made of the phrase, “carry the fire.” Each of us, in our own way, “carries the fire” in what we pass on to those who travel The Road with us.

Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Eckel, president of The Comenius Institute. For me, since the inception of my teaching, carrying the fire has always been the same. As Psalm 71:18 says, “Until I am old and gray, I will declare Your mighty works to the next generation.”

We at Comenius want to thank our patrons for your support. You make our work possible. During this season of giving, we would ask that you continue to fund our campus efforts with faculty and students at IUPUI. Your patronage will maintain the institute’s educational opportunities to create, write, speak, and teach. On behalf of the Comenius Institute, I am glad to have the opportunity to “carry the fire” of Jesus’ words and works – a witness to unbelievers and an encouragement to Christians everywhere.


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