Secular Theocracies

Unbelievers have theocracies too. Why?

. . . Everyone believes something. Whatever the belief, an assumption regarding origins means a commitment to a god follows. So, either matter (or the universe, consisting of matter and energy) is eternal, or God is eternal. Either raw, despotic power will be the authority, or standards have been given by a beneficent God. My views of the humanities, economics, justice, politics, or whatever sphere of life is under discussion are influenced by my dedication to a theological worldview that gives overarching direction to my thinking and living. But this is not a proclivity unique to me or to Christians in general. Everyone’s lived life is dictated by their theological perspective, their ultimate authority, their god . . .

Find the full explanation and my whole article at Salvo here. (4 min read)

Sign up for Mark’s Friday emails on the pop-up when you go to Support (here). Find the YouTube Channel (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), teaching at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video). Find all my Salvo articles here.

Photo credit: Josh Collingwood, Getty images (screen shot of the Salvo image online)

1 thought on “Secular Theocracies”

  1. So true, Dr. E!

    To quote Gilbert Keith Chesteron, ““When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

    There is no such thing as lack of belief…in something!

    In His grip,



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