
A voice deserving to be heard.

Robert Woodson and 1776unites.com

Watch our Truth in Two to find out why Woodson should be heard (full text and links below).


Support MarkEckel.com (here). Find the MarkEckel.com YouTube Channel (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), teaching at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video). Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here).

Picture Credit: Luke Renoe, 1776unites.com


The 1619 Project has received applause throughout the majority media since it was published by The New York Times. There are those who have risen to acclaim its importance. There are others who have stood to question the document’s historical accuracy. You can find the pro and con perspectives in hyperlinks at the end of this Truth in Two.

The 1619 Project suggests that the real commencement of America should begin when the first slaves were brought to this country. I had heard quite a bit about the publication. So I studied it. As I began to research the claims of its writers, I also started to read about those dissenting voices. But my eyes went wide when I read the writings of Robert Woodson and his work at the website 1776 Unites. Since Mr. Woodson’s work has received far less press attention, it is appropriate to consider his claims.

Robert Woodson was born in 1937 in Philadelphia. He and his four siblings were raised by their mom after his dad died. Woodson is an Air Force veteran and has a long history in the Civil Rights movement and community development. Woodson’s concern is for the best approach to upward mobility. Woodson, an African American man, has brought together a cadre of black scholars and activists who study workable ideas. Together, they believe that the country best able to deliver opportunities for success is the United States of America. 1776 Unites has created curriculum to teach both the history of our country and its opportunities for people today. And among many essays on the site, 1776 Unites is critical of ideas found in the 1619 Project.

The year 1776 was chosen as the basis for Woodson’s work, as he says,

“Throughout her checkered past, America has been and remains a beacon of hope to people around the world. Join us in exploring stories of truth, perseverance, and triumph that acknowledge America’s failures but celebrate her enduring promise.”

For Truth in Two this is Dr. Mark Eckel, president of the Comenius Institute, personally thankful for the life and work of Robert Woodson.



The demands of public history (New Yorker)


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