In Hot Water (Idea #1)

Getting Ready for What is Already Here: Christian Preparation for Persecution

One curricular example of how to utilize some of the material at

 SO WHAT? Getting attention, interest, “buy in”

Oral Roberts University is in the Sweet 16 and in Hot Water. Use the article from USA Today to cite the issue which jumped off this week. Notice the verbiage used against a Christian institution:

“As a private university and under the banner of fundamentalist Christian beliefs, the school is free to impose whatever standards of behavior they see fit, even if those standards are wildly out of line with modern society and the basic values of human decency. Now, as Oral Roberts gains national attention, the focus shouldn’t just be on their very good men’s basketball team, but on their prejudiced teachings and moral regressiveness.

That Oral Roberts wants to keep its students tied to toxic notions of fundamentalism that fetishize chastity, abstinence and absurd hemlines is a larger cultural issue that can be debated. What is not up for debate however is their anti-LGBTQ+ stance, which is nothing short of discriminatory and should expressly be condemned by the NCAA. . . . The fact is, any and all anti-LGBTQ+ language in any school’s polices should ban them from NCAA competition.”

WHO CARES? Relation to student, to community, potential applications

Oral Roberts University is not a one-off situation. The implications for Christian institutions – including but not limited to schools, non-profits, and churches – will blanket cultural law. Organizations which go against LGBTQ+ dogmas may well lose tax exempt status, hiring procedures based on doctrinal beliefs, national accreditation, personal certifications, not to mention being “uninvited” to the NCAA tournament.

Using the “Suffering” video series Part 9, show the segment that details “Why the Romans persecuted the Christians.” See the PDF notes answer 2. Antithetic to Cultural Mores: A. Protecting the Ethos of the Roman Mindset (Acts 15; Romans 1); B. Threatening the Economics of the Roman World (Acts 19). What is the correlation between the 1st and 21st centuries?

WHY SHOULD I? Reasons for investing time, thought

LGBTQ+ pressures on federal laws, congressional approvals, and presidential orders will continue to press Christians who believe Scripture teaches a strict sexual ethic. Leaders and groups must discuss how they will respond biblically within the culture to sexual dictates.

Using the Live Not By Lies reviews show what kind of responses are necessary. Note in particular Part 3 (“The Importance of Definition”) and Part 9 (“The Importance of Allegiance”).

In Part 3 I point out how intolerant tolerance is (something I’ve been teaching since the mid-90’s). “Tolerance” by itself has no standard, no basis, no foundation for universal ethics.

In Part 9 I point out how we must prepare to respond as the body of Christ (see my 10-point outline toward preparing Christians and the biblical basis for responding to persecution).

HOW DO I? Ways to be involved

Using the “What Box?!” Leadership video series leaders should ask what kind of anticipatory leadership is needed. From the third video (“Nimble-Anticipatory”) discuss how the Christian organization will provide educational leadership for the coming generation which will need to confront cultural pressures into the future.

WHO SAYS? Authority, standard, influence

Biblical Truth needs to begin at the beginning. Using the free videos on the website (hyperlinked below), teachers can begin to build the biblical response to cultural pressure to capitulate Scriptural doctrine.

Everything in life is ordered. The God of origins (video) ordered His world (video here) which was established at creation (video). Based on God’s Transcendence (video) we bear responsibility to His outside authority (see my essay on revelation rules reason here).

I begin here because my assumption begins with the God Who Is and The God Who has spoken. It is His intended order to which Jesus submitted his answer about marriage (Matthew 19). We subvert God’s order to our own detriment, ignoring His Words, leaving ourselves to ourselves, by not coming under the authority of God.

The basis for any answer I give as it relates to God’s original intention. To subvert God’s intended order in any area of human life speaks only to our own arrogant autonomy, our desire to be God; the desire we have been pursuing since Genesis 3.

I say all of this to say that the foundations for ethical, sexual, political, cultural, or any other human arena are subject to the limitations God has placed on His world. I would be glad to pursue this idea further. Specific to your request, however, you must engage Dr. Robert Gagnon and his brilliant, biblical exegesis of Scripture’s response to sexual questions.

There is much more to say about possibilities for teaching and learner response. This brief outline begins the process of how to use the materials on the website.


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