Biblical Science Principles: Christian Faith-Learning Integration

Faith-Learning Integration: Ten Biblical Science Principles

The Foundation and Permeation of Biblical Truth with the Creation

 The Source of Authority. Where do we get the information that we need?  Is it reliable, authentic, and authoritative?  How is the information interpreted?  If God has revealed Himself in His world, then He can be known (Psalm 19:1-11; Col 2:3).  The laws of science come from the authority and law of God (Gen 2:16, 17; Deut 4:5-8; Col 1:15-20). For example: Motion, properties, etc.

God, not matter, is eternal.  If we know from where everything originated, then we know to whom we’re responsible.  God is both transcendent and immanent—apart from and close to, caring for His creation at the same time.  God created.  Matter was brought into being (Neh 9:6; Job 12:10; Acts 17:25, 28; Col 1:17; Heb 1:3). For example: death, life cycles, entropy, etc.

Predictable Patterns in God’s Creation.  Mathematicians and scientists rely upon God’s stable universe.  His world is stable and consistent because of His Word (Lev 26:4; Ps 148:6; Prov 8:29; Ecc 3:11; Jer 8:7; 31:35-37).  Order establishes logic, logic constitutes pattern, pattern produces models, models make possible probability, probability allows for prediction, prediction predicates hypothesis, and hypothesis identifies proof.  A proof demonstrates “true Truth.” For example: Periodic Table, reproduction, etc.

Discovery and Invention in God’s Creation.  People all over the world and throughout time uncover truth collecting data, applying information, exploring, and observing.  What is true in one place is true in another (Ps 64:9; 65:8; 66:5).  Diligent probes can reveal new information.  However we only uncover “the tip of the iceberg” of God’s works (Job 28:3, 11; 26:14). For example: Famous discoveries, inventors, etc.

Unity and Diversity in God’s Creation.  Like puzzle pieces put together to make a picture, so the world fits together showing similarities and differences.  The orderly arrangement of the parts make the whole (Gen 1:3-2:3).  God’s wisdom is the basis for how the world works (Prov 3:19-20; 8:22-31; 25:2). For example: rats and humans share similar anatomy allowing scientists to understand how our bodies work through experimentation on rats, etc. For example: solar system, classification, etc.

Beauty, Awe, and Wonder Lead to Worship.  More knowledge of God’s creation allows for scientific delight (Prov 25:2).  Wonder and gratitude ought to be our response to the way creation is made (Gen 2:23-25; Psalm 148; Rev 21:1-4). For example: the scientific revolution, induction, deduction, discovery, etc.

Community Covenants.  All things do what they’re told because God established contracts with creation (Gen 1:11-12; cf. Jer 33:2, 20-21, 25-26) and humans (Gen 2:16-17; 9:8-17). For example: day/night cycles, seasons, etc.

The Infinite and the Finite.  We don’t know everything.  What we do know continues to expand.  Since discovery is continuous for finite minds in a finite universe, it is best to recognize and stand in awe of the Infinite Creator (Gen 1, 2; Deut 29:29; Job 26, 28; Prov 30:2-4). For example: astronomy, microbiology, etc.

The “Ideal” and the “Real”.  Things don’t always work the way we think they should.  Sin has altered our ability to perceive God’s creation.  Genesis 3:17-19 tell us that things will be harder for people because of their rebellion in Eden.  God’s standard (the “ideal”) is never changed, but He works in the world in spite of sin (the “real”). For example: disease, healing, approximation, etc.

Function and Roles.  God gave all matter, space and time particular responsibilities to work a certain way (“And God said, let the…” Gen 1:9, 11, 20, etc.).  Everything has a purpose (“Let them be for…” Gen 1:14).  God governs His creation through His creation order (Gen 1:16-18 “God made…to govern”). For example: energy, laws, etc.

Example: A Faith-Learning Integration Unit on Birds

Determine what method of biblical integration relates to your unit.[1]

Scriptural Study: Are there specific Scriptural statements about your unit that identify a clear biblical principle?  In this case, there are some demonstrative comments about birds while there are many verses that comment on God’s creatures. The following list is only representative of wedding the supernatural view of God with His creation:

  1. Genesis 1:20-21 God…
  • “created…every winged bird”—birds are a direct result of His handiwork
  • “according to its kind”—varieties of birds
  • said “Let birds fly above the earth…”—a place for the birds is established
  • said “and across the expanse of the sky…”—the amount of birds is large (corresponding to the parallel comment that the water is to “teem with living creatures”)
  1. Genesis 2:19 God commanded that man name the animals establishing his authority over creatures while providing a classification system
  2. Genesis 9:10, 12, 15-16 God made an agreement with all creatures concerning the judgment of the earth
  3. Psalm 103:20-22 all God’s works are to give Him praise.
  4. Psalm 104:24-30 the earth is full of God’s creatures who depend on Him for their food and are given “good things”
  5. the birds will participate in God’s judgment

God’s Attributes

God is Creator (Gen 1:1; John 1:3, 10; Eph 3:9), Sustainer (Matt 6:26; Heb 1:3), Beneficiary (Col 1:16; Heb 2:10 “for Him”), Redeemer (Col 1:20; Rev 21:1-5); Judge (John 5:29; 2 Peter 3:10-13), and Restorer (Isa 65:21-23; Acts 3:21) of His creation, including birds.

Life Questions

  1. What’s Real?  How can I know birds exist?
  2. What’s Known?  How can I study birds?
  3. What’s Best?  How do I treat the birds?
  4. What’s A Person?  How am I different than the birds?
  5. What’s Next? What happens when birds die?

[1] For example, God’s attributes, Bible study, life questions, belief (worldview) comparison, books, textbooks, themes, subjects, the humanities, or the sciences. See my book The Whole Truth: Classroom Strategies for Biblical Integration, pp. 101-135.

One of the many faith-learning integration tools I have been using for years with Christian school teachers and leaders around the world. I have created a 100,000 word document giving biblical principles for 20 major academic disciplines available for purchase for Christian schools here, at Curriculum Trak.

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