
There is NO forgiveness,

In a culture where there is no basis for forgiveness.

Watch our Truth in Two to find out why (full text and hyperlink below)


Subscribe to (here). Find the YouTube Channel (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), teaching at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video). Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here).

Picture Credit: Luke Renoe, Snappy Goat, Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash 


“I forgive you every day for what you did to me.” This is a statement I uttered to a man who had done me wrong. It was his responsibility to ask for my forgiveness, it was, and is, my responsibility to forgive, even if there is no repentance. Humanly speaking, “forgiveness” is not about “forgetting.” We are not God, who, Scripture says, “separates our sin as far as the east is from the west.” In case you’re wondering, “east” and “west” have no poles, no objective standard of measure. Scripture says, once repentance happens, the expanse of God’s forgiveness is infinite.

Our culture views forgiveness as infinite too; as in, you will never be forgiven. Hank Azaria apologized for being the voice of Apu on the long running cartoon comedy The Simpsons. You can be sure of two things: Mr. Azaria’s participation will never be forgiven, or forgotten, and The Simpsons will continue to run episodes with Apu, not out of defiance to the arbitrary cultural standard, but because of money. You see, true repentance and forgiveness necessitate two things: a turning away from wrongdoing and a perfect person to offer forgiveness. Our culture sets and then continually moves its standards.

The classic biblical passage that exactly explains God’s forgiveness is Matthew 18. A man owes a huge debt to a king. The king takes pity on the man, forgiving or canceling the bill. The forgiven man then turns around, forgetting his own cancelled debt, requiring payment from a man who owes him very little. The man who had been given mercy showed no mercy. Certain cultural sins will never be forgiven. The standard will always shift. But the Christian view of forgiveness does not move the standard of transgression. Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf, wipes out our debt of sin. And, in turn, I continue to offer forgiveness to those who have sinned against me. For Truth in Two, this is Dr. Mark Eckel, president of the Comenius Institute, personally relying on God’s forgiveness.

Hank Azaria Apologizes for Vocalizing Apu on the Simpsons



I’m no slave!

Yes you are. To something or someone.

Why? Watch our Truth in Two to find out (full text below, with link).


Subscribe to (here). Find the YouTube Channel (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), teaching at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video). Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here).

Picture Credit: Luke Renoe, Snappy Goat


Shawshank Redemption. Uttering those two words brings an immediate reaction among movie fans. In almost every single listing of best movies, Shawshank is ranked number one. I am in full agreement. I never tire of that exceptional film. Yet, I wonder how many folks know what “redemption” means.

“A story of redemption” is a line peddled to advertise movies and TV series. And for good reason. Everyone loves a redemption story even if they are unsure of where the word “redemption” originates. In the Bible, “redemption” means that I have been purchased off the slave market of sin. That is exactly the metaphor in Romans chapter six. You see, throughout human history, people have been placed on an auction block to be sold as slaves. Paul uses that picture for humans in sin, our separation from God. To be redeemed in the Bible means to be set free from the shackles of sin, free now to freely serve the one who has bought our release, namely, Jesus.

Being “slaves to sin” is not the starting point in our culture. No. “I’m a good person” is where most folks begin. I have lost count of the number of times I have heard that line from neighbors, associates, acquaintances, or from characters in a movie. The statement, “I’m a good person,” does four things for me. One, I get to say what is good. Two, I will evaluate myself by my own standard. Three, my goodness assumes that bad must exist, though I’m not bad. And, four, others outside cannot judge me.

Take for example, a Psychology Today article entitled, “How to Know if You’re a Good Person.” The suggestion is made to “define what a good person is in 3-5 words and rate yourself on this continuum.” Again, humans set the standard and get to evaluate whether or not they measure up, by their own standard. There is no redemption, no release from sin, guilt, and shame; because if we are guilty, we cannot redeem ourselves. I love a good redemption story in movies. But there is no true redemption in this life apart from the saving grace of Jesus. For Truth in Two, this is Dr. Mark Eckel, president of the Comenius Institute, whose redemption is found in the person and work of Jesus.



Neither identity politics nor social structures can save.

My salvation is not constructed by humans.

Find out why by watching our Truth in Two (full text below).

#10 in our series on how culture appropriates Hebraic-Christian words.



Subscribe to (here). Find the YouTube Channel (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), teaching at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video). Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here).

Picture Credit: Luke Renoe, Snappy Goat


I was in trouble. Again. When you teach the Bible, no matter the setting, someone is bound to be upset. This time, folks were upset by my drawing on the board. I drew a coffin with a stick figure that had x’d out eyes, indicating death. Above the coffin I drew a cloud, my general representation of God. I was explaining regeneration, what Christians call a second birth, to be made alive again. My biblical text was familiar to many: Ephesians 2:1-10. God in His Word explains that we are dead in our sins and can only be made alive by the one-time gifts of faith and grace given by God for our salvation, our sin eradicated. Well, some pastors in the community took issue. They said we exercise faith to believe, God’s grace is then given. But my diagram indicated what the text explains. Two arrows came from the cloud, one labeled faith, the other, grace. Our ability to believe (faith) and the overcoming of our sin (grace) are both from God.

Now, in the third decade of the 21st century, I am in trouble again. My culture dictates that my regeneration, my new life, is dependent upon not grace, but works. I must confess to new orthodoxies, new teachings, new belief systems. My culture now wants me to bow before other altars. Some say, I must bow before the belief of identity politics. Others might want me to confess the sin of my ethnicity. Still more say I must accept communism as an acceptable system of government, ignoring communism’s historic failures. No identity, ethnicity, nor political structure can provide regeneration.

God’s regeneration is being made new, or as Jesus said in John 3, being born again. Only God through Jesus can make alive a person who is spiritually dead. Next to that coffin on the board, I drew a smiling person. And you are looking at him now. For Truth in Two, this is Dr. Mark Eckel, president of the Comenius Institute, no longer dead in my sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Jephthah: God’s Outlaw

God’s Outlaw, Jephthah (Judges 10:6 – 12:7; Hebrews 11:32) Sometimes the best cure for lawlessness is an outlaw. [These are my sermon notes from 27 June 2021 delivered at Crossroads Community Church. The YouTube video can be found here, beginning at minute 31, ending at 1.07 (35 minutes)] I walk for exercise. I split my...


Trust. Belief. Allegiance.

Everyone, everywhere devotes themselves to something.

Why is this important? Unbelievers use the word “faith” when it suits them, when it benefits their point of view. “Trust the science” is acceptable. “Trust in Jesus,” is not. In this Truth in Two I explain the biblical view of faith, the reliability of a Christian view of life and things.


Subscribe to (here). Find the YouTube Channel (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), teaching at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video). Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here).

Picture Credit: Luke Renoe, Snappy Goat




“I have faith in government!” “I have faith in my group!” “I have faith in science!” I don’t know how many times I have countered such statements. My response? “Government agencies create laws that create more problems.” “What is your group based on and how can I trust it more than another group?” “And do you realize that science is simply an observation of the natural world? Science changes all the time.” Faith is not hoping that someone will change the things we don’t like, to the things we do.

In Scripture the word “faith” has three meanings: “Content,” “credibility,” and “commitment.” Hebrews 11 sets the standard for what “faith” is. The word “what” – the content of our Christian belief – appears five times in three verses. Our faith has a factual base. It is objective, reliable belief based on factual data, the credibility of our Christian belief Some mistakenly believe faith is a “blind leap” or a “well-I-can’t-prove-it-but-I-know-it’s-true” mentality. Paul maintained that God offered “proof to all men” by raising Jesus from the dead. Christians believe in someone who did something—a real person, Jesus, who came in real space and time, died a real, physical death, and literally, historically rose again from the grave.

So the words “debated,” “argued,” “proved,” “disputed,” “explained,” persuaded,” and “confuted” shows the credibility of Christian content. You see, the Christian worldview is reasonable; but, it is also something beyond reason. Clearly the work of The Holy Spirit is necessary to change an individual’s thinking from a human-centered to a God-centered perspective. And here is the Hebrews 11 response: “by faith Abram, by faith Noah” all the way through the chapter. Faith is credible content; but there must be a “by faith” commitment to it.

Do not be fooled by those who say Christians are the only ones with faith. Atheists, scientists, politicians, indeed everyone, has faith in something. And this Truth in Two is based on the content, credibility and personal commitment of faith that allows me, Dr. Mark Eckel, president of the Comenius Institute, to say, I am a Christian.


(Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-3; John 20:8; Heb 11:1).

(Acts 17:31).

(1 Cor 15:1-4).

(cf. Acts 9:22, 29; 17:2-4; 18:4, 19, 28; 19:8, 9; 24:25).

(Rom 8:5-9; 1 Cor 2:10-16).

(Rom 11:33-36).


“There is a Fire in My Bones”[1] . . . Josef Pieper was concerned that when words were divorced from reality, disassociated from truth, they would simply become “instruments of power.”[2] Kill the words.  Kill words’ meaning.  Kill the wordsmiths.  If it were not for international acclaim, freedom loving writers such as Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Lech...


Definition of the Greek Word aionos (i-O-nos):

(1) the universe with some association to age or eon with the contextual idea that God has made everything (Heb 1:2; 11:3);

(2) an age or period of time (Rom 12:2; Eph 1:21; 2 Tim 4:10);

(3) a system of thought, belief, or zeitgeist (1 Co 1:20; 2:6, 8; Eph 2:2) marked by certain “standards” (1 Co 3:18);

(4) the full extent of all time eternally, an unlimited duration of future time (“the messiah will remain forever,” John 12:34 or “He will remain a priest forever,” Heb 7:3; cf. 1 Pet 4:11; Eph 3:21).  More elaborate expressions using the word are emphatic, particularly in doxologies (Luke 1:33; Rom 16:27; 2 Pet 3:18; Jude 25). “Eternal” also references unending time in both directions (“his eternal power and divine nature,” Rom 1:20 or “of the eternal God,” Rom 16:26). The idiomatic statement “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb 13:8) references eternal time in terms of immutability;

(5) an exceedingly long period of time from an assumed beginning up to the present (“from the beginning of time,” John 9:32; “since all ages past,” Jude 25).  Of particular interest, however, are the happenings which transpired within that span.  For instance Colossians 1:26 identifies that there had been “a secret hid…from mankind” while Romans 16:25 expands “the revelation of the secret truth which was hidden from the beginning of time.”  2 Timothy 1:9 specifies “grace” as the gift given in Jesus “from all ages past.”


Planned before time (Rev 13:8; 17:8), the space-time event of “eternal life” was seen and testified by Jesus’ followers (1 John 1:2).  Restoration of all things (Acts 3:21) was promised to the prophets marked by specific fulfillments (such as the gospel going to the Gentiles) which were known by God for all ages (Acts 15:18).

“God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden…before time began” (1 Co 2:7) is in direct contrast to the “spirit of the age” held by rulers during a given time (1 Co 2:6, 8).  Revelatory truth was written down for us “on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come” (1 Co 10:11).

For those who live in a post-ascension world, we are part of the plan given in times past; what C.S. Lewis called “deep magic” in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.  “The eternal purpose” of Jesus’ accomplishment is now made known “through the church” to “the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms” (Eph 3:10-11).  His power now works within us, the church” for His glory (Eph 3:20-21).

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen; “what is unseen is eternal” (2 Co 4:17-18, 5:1).  “Sowing to please The Spirit, reaping eternal life” (Gal 6:8).  Jesus’ sacrifice “through the eternal Spirit” moves us to “serve the living God” (Heb 9:14) based on “the eternal covenant” which equips us with “everything good for doing His will” (Heb 13:20-21).  For in this life we have “eternal encouragement and good hope” which strengthens us for every “good deed and word” (2 Th 2:16-17).  We are to “take hold of the eternal life” (1 Tim 6:12) because “faith and knowledge rests on the hope of eternal life” (Titus 1:2; 3:7) prompting us toward devotion “doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.” (3:8).  Perseverance is necessary for those who wait to be brought to eternal life (Jude 21).


Biblically Integrative History: History begins in Eternity. God is the author of history (Gen 1:1; Ecc 3:10-11; Dan 4:34-35; Eph 1:9-10; Heb 1:1-2; Rev 22:1-7). God created all matter, space, and time, but God does not wear a watch.  He is not bound by time (cf. 2 Peter 3:8) since He is outside of and apart from time but God has chosen to work within time to accomplish His plan.  Jesus is the central person in God’s plan and human history.  Only He can, by His coming in the form of a man, bridge the gap between God’s eternal kingdom and the temporal world (cf. Isaiah 9:6-7; Galatians 4:4-5).  When studying history, we must frame our understanding of people, places, and events in the grand narrative of God’s plan to make it meaningful.  Apart from God, history is a meaningless record of man’s vanity.

To End All Wars Prior to World War II, his three-year confinement in a prisoner of war camp, and Christ’s salvation, the author Ernest Gordon believed,

“The rapid progress being made in [the sciences] indicated that man could take care of himself and unravel his own dilemma without help from a divine power, no matter how benign.  Of such was the real world in which man had been placed by the evolutionary process, as the one creature conscious of what was going on.  As he floated down the stream of history, he could know that the current would ultimately land him in Utopia.  Many brave worlds were being projected in those days, and mine was one of them.”

After salvation, Gordon wrote, “Our regeneration, sparked by conspicuous acts of self-sacrifice, had begun . . . It was dawning on us all—officers and other ranks alike—that the law of the jungle is not the law for man.  We had seen for ourselves how quickly it could strip most of us of our humanity and reduce us to levels lower than the beasts.  We were seeing for ourselves the sharp contrast between the forces that made for life and those that made for death . . .  Through our readings and discussions we gradually came to know Jesus.  He was one of us.  He would understand our problems, because they were the kind of problems he had faced himself.” 

Questions How does media impact relationships, original thinking or creativity? How is innovation corrupted by human thought or action? Do we consider the human source of invention, the creative person’s beliefs? Define the words utopia and dystopia. Has any person or group ever created a utopia? Do utopias become dystopias? Why or why not?

Orthodoxy: The Importance of Bible Doctrine (FREE)

Doctrine means belief; a body of accepted, systematic learning or teaching. 

Doctrine comes from the word for doctor meaning an “expert” or “authority”; doctors are scholars who seem to be right in their understanding of a subject and can teach about their expertise.  Orthodoxy means “straight teaching.”  Right belief should result in “straight practice” (orthopraxy) and “straight commitment (orthopathos).

What does Scripture says about doctrine or teaching?

Matthew 7:28, 29

Acts 2:42

Romans 16:17

1 Timothy 6:20-21

2 Timothy 4:2-5

Titus 1:9

Hebrews 13:9, 10

Everyone has doctrine.  Doctrine produces at least three beliefs:

Everyone believes something, that is, everyone has faith in something or someone.

    1. Who do we trust about cars, stocks, medicine?
    2. Why do we trust them with our money, cars, health?
    3. When do we doubt what we have come to trust?

Everyone begins somewhere, that is, everyone begins with their own assumptions about life.

    1. What do we assume to be true about a supernatural world?
    2. How will we know if our assume is correct?
    3. When do we find out if our knowledge is correct?

Everyone questions everything, that is, everyone subscribes to a personal philosophy of life.

    1. What do you believe about private property ownership?
    2. What do you believe about politicians?
    3. What do you believe about the reason for violence?

Why is doctrine important?  Because everyone asks the same questions[1].  Jot down an example for just one of the questions (e.g., “Truth: I have a hard time knowing whose knowledge to trust”).

  1. What’s Real? (the seen and unseen; metaphysics/theology proper)
  2. What’s Truth? (the origin, history, and authority of knowledge; epistemology)
  3. What’s Best? (right and wrong, good and bad; axiology, ethics, aesthetics)
  4. What’s Human? (dignity and depravity, purpose and meaning; anthropology)
  5. What’s Ahead? (afterlife and judgment; eschatology)

Look up Rich Mullins’ song lyrics ‘Creed” online.  Note the following statement in the refrain: “…what I believe, is what makes me what I am, I did not make it, no it is making me, the very truth of God, not the invention of any man.”

Why is this statement “it is making me” so important to understand, not just for Christians, but for everyone?  (for a hint, look at Philippians 3:10 “becoming like him”, see also Romans 8:29).

Notice the close tie between teaching doctrine and singing doctrine (Colossians 3:16).  Why should doctrine be sung?!

[1] What is real?  Who is God?  Who are humans?  What is our purpose in life?  Where does knowledge come from?  What is right and wrong?  What is history?  What happens after death?

“That’s Not Fair!” Do We Blame God, Others, or Ourselves?

Social conscience begins with a look in the mirror.


“Did you read that article in Huffington Post about discrimination against minorities? That makes me so mad!”

“Can you believe it?! Mr. Jones refused to give Ashley another chance on her poor test grade! What a chauvinist!”

“I’m not going to buy Nike products anymore; they allow sweat-shops to produce their shoes!”

Teenagers seem to have a heightened sense of hypocrisy. Addressing various social constructs fuels indignation. Rich versus poor. Conservative versus liberal. One ethnicity versus another. Parent versus child. Teacher versus student. Young people are quick to identify perceived wrongs where, from their vantage-point, rights may have been violated or people were possibly marginalized.

“Social conscience”, or the desire to correct evils in the world, is a process for which students are quite adept. But what they don’t realize is that their sense of “fairness” comes because they reflect the character of their Creator. The responsibility of the Christian school is to make sure that a solid theological foundation is established for the correction of societal and personal wrongs.

Do We Expect Too Much of God?

“Why doesn’t God do something?”

“Why did He allow this to happen?”

“Maybe my atheist friends are right: if there is a good God and He allows bad things to happen, why should I believe in Him?”

Questions like these resound through high school classrooms. Human expectations of The Almighty are often improper. Teaching students to start with a biblical view of God begins the process of understanding social consciousness. The doctrines of God that follow give us guidance in establishing principles for practicing earthly justice.

1. Transcendence and Immanence Holiness is based on transcendence: God is set apart, different from His creation (Job 36:22-26). God sets the standards. Ethical codes are based upon Heaven’s Word. God never lowers His standard, but He does lower Himself. God’s immanence, care for His creatures, is demonstrated through The Written Word (Scripture) and The Living Word (Jesus), lived out through His covenant people (Philippians 2:1-11). Social consciousness begins with a Transcendent standard. Reaching out to others mirrors God’s personal custody of His world.

2. Justice and Righteousness Civil rights banners will often carry the former without the latter. Yet, there is no justice without righteousness (Deuteronomy 32:4). The words are often paired in the Old Testament (e.g. Psalm 119:121). And there can be no righteousness without the personification of The Just Judge (Psalm 11:7). The cry of “That’s not fair!” is premised upon and answered only in the person of God Himself.

3. Mercy and Truth A teacher is often a target of “grace expectations”. People like pardon. Once received, however, mercy is anticipated. Any absolute truth is forgotten. Standards are brushed aside. But the very need for mercy is built upon the result of law breaking. God declares truth and mercy is offered to humans (Romans 2:1-11). Concern for societal ills must acknowledge both.

4. Infallibility and Incomprehensibility Instead of asking “How could this happen?” students must be prompted to query “How should I respond now that this has happened?” God never fails. Human understanding of God, however, may fail (Job 33:12-30). God is infinite and humans are finite. People, therefore, do not always understand God (Job 11:7, 8) much less God’s actions in earthly affairs (Job 37:5; Isaiah 40:13-14). Social injustices result from The Fall (Romans 8:18-22). How The Creator uses human rebellion to His own ends is not something people can even grasp (note Habakkuk’s consternation when God judges Judah with the unrighteous Babylonians).

5. Temporal and Eternal Wrongs not addressed in this life will be in the next. God’s people have counted on His vengeance throughout history (Deuteronomy 32:34-43; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10). Humans have a tendency to be shortsighted. God takes the long view. While teenagers seethe with rage over some real or perceived inequity, God records it all and nothing escapes His sight. Hoping the “bad guys get it” may not happen on earth. But the basis for ethical living is premised upon the fact that God is eternal, as is His judgment (Psalm 73).

People may expect too much of God because they don’t understand Him. High school students must be taught not to limit God but base their thinking about social consciousness upon proper theology. But the problem of perception is a double-edged sword.

Do We Expect Too Little from Ourselves?

On the one hand, people want to blame God for injustice. On the other hand, people excuse their own behavior. “That’s not my problem!” “Why are you so up tight? Everybody does it!” “So, I blew it. I’m only human!” Indeed. Humanness is a problem.

What we know about the correct treatment of humans begins with knowing God. What we know of injustice, we bring upon ourselves. High school students know this full well. Being left out or put down for various teenage reasons produces its own discrimination. Wary of our inconsistency and preparing for opportunity helps us set guidelines for students.

1. Ourselves We all have blind spots. The awful actions of others are seen more closely by stepping in front of a mirror. Prejudice, bias, and presumption are human fallibilities. The truth of Romans 2:1-11 is all too real. The old maxim “if you point a finger at others, you have a few pointing back at yourself” is correct. While we fight for the dignity of others, we face our own depravity. The command of God to treat others based on the treatment we desire for ourselves is the linchpin of social consciousness (Leviticus 19:18; Mark 12:28-31).

2. Others Why do we care for others? Again, our interest is a reflection of God’s initial investment. The Christian worldview is based on a Just Judge who expects His people to act as His vice-regents on earth (Isaiah 58, 59). The response to social injustice must be paid in personal capital. While students learn about truth, they must also live truth (Romans 12:9-21).

3. Opposition While our sensibilities of justice are heightened by the nightly news, we must train students to ask, “Am I hearing both sides?” “Is there a slant in the coverage?” “Is there other information that I need to know?” Journalists and media outlets may not give us “all the news fit to print”. Every side of an issue should be fairly represented (Deuteronomy 19:15-18; Proverbs 18:17). While we rightly decry disenfranchisement of any minority we must ask, for instance, why we don’t hear about the persecution of Christians on the front pages of America’s newspapers.

4. Opportunities Involvement through editorial page, local soup kitchens, service projects, and church outreaches are imperative for Christian high school students to practice what they preach. Response to social problems must always be personal, specific, and measurable. Teachers should employ methods that help students interact with real life issues. Case studies, research, discussion, forums, and debates would help to process different perspectives while ferreting out true Truth. Looking for ways to instruct students “in the way they should go” must encourage biblical thinking that acknowledges fact, changes attitudes, and stresses participation leading to transformation (e.g., 2 Kings 23:25).

Social consciousness must be lived out. As believers in Jesus as Lord, our responsibility as “ambassadors of reconciliation” is demonstrated on the streets and in the classroom. Who God is and His influence on believers are the basis for true social change. Ministries to the poor, defenseless, homeless, prisoners, and hungry are begun by people with a mind for Jesus and a hand toward humanity (Matthew 25:34-40).

Dr. Mark Eckel taught high school and college students for over 30 years. This article was first published in Christian Education Journal, Winter, 2002.


Sovereignty and Lament Overcomes Suffering: Job 3 (#4)

My life is but a weaving, Between my God and me.

I cannot choose the colors, He weaveth steadily.

Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow; And I in foolish pride

Forget He sees the upper, While I the underside.

“Life is But a Weaving,” Corrie Ten Boom

One picture I use to explain God’s sovereignty to my classes is that of a tapestry. On the board I draw the top side, then the bottom side, inscribing “Job 1 and 2” as the text underneath. I then explain that if it were not for chapters 1 and 2 in Job, there would be no sense believing in Yahweh’s explanation of suffering. Job 1 and 2 give credence to a Heaven-centered view of pain. As a human, I am not pleased by the hurt I bear. But I can abide the gut-wrenching agonies I face if I know there is a Personal, Eternal, Triune Creator who superintends my life. God is not absent in suffering. He has not left the building. God’s supposed silence does not indicate an uncaring attitude. I can live with an earth view of the tapestry when I am assured Heaven’s view is unobstructed.

In The First Testament (Old Testament) time period, pagan peoples believed in fate. Impersonal forces mysteriously presented themselves; humans were left to deal with the psychological aftershocks. There are few cultural differences between then and now when it comes to pagan views of suffering. Neither luck, chance, accident, serendipity, nor destiny exists. Yahweh superintends, sustains, supports, and saves His creation in spite of the suffering introduced through human sin. As Job 38-42 indicate, we may ask “Why did this happen to me?” but Yahweh responds with 68 questions of His own; about His creation He asks “If you cannot understand My creation, why should you think you’ll understand The Creator?”

Job 3 is Job’s first foray into asking “Why?” In the first three parts of this series on lament, we have understood that we suffer for unidentified reasons (“blindsided”), we have good cause to cry out (“pain”), and we sometimes wonder if life is worth living (“doom”). Lament is a proper form for human response to wounds. But we cannot stay in a state of lament. Here is where we must add a dozen specific applications to the nature and character of God as well as our response to Who God Is in the midst of our laments.

1. Teach the nature, attributes, and character of God early in life. Children need to know Who Yahweh is. To this day, people ask me, “What is the most important thing I can teach?” My answer is always the same. Teach children Who God Is. [Psalm 78]

2. The best time to teach sovereignty is before humanly bad things happen. Shut up and listen. If Job’s three friends had followed this simple rule of human response to suffering, Job would have been a short book! Doctrinal teaching in the midst of pain will be rightfully met with rage from the people who ache. Attempting trite, superficial, hyped God-talk is the worst response to suffering. Building strong biblical-theological structures on the bedrock of Scripture will allow the house to stand when the earthquakes come. [Psalm 119]

3. There is no one-for-one correspondence between wrongdoings committed and pain experienced. Reason, purpose, and meaning in suffering is not ours to decide. Our views of human experience should be tempered by this knowledge: we understand little. Scripture clearly teaches evildoers do not always receive their just desserts for wrongs committed here. [Psalm 73]

4. There is no absolute correlation between doing right and rewards. The exact opposite is also true: do not assume that our goodness will be reciprocated with human-viewed good from God. We need to eschew a works-centered view of life, seeing a grace-centered viewpoint instead. We should continue to do good, discontinuing our belief that we deserve something good because of it. [Titus 3:1-8]

5. Answers to the “why” questions are not our domain. God controls the mysteries of life. There are no explanations for suffering; we should not expect any. In fact, mystery is a marker of the truth God’s revelation to us. If we could figure out mystery, why worship? [John 9:3: 11:3]

6. We should never doubt God’s presence in suffering. He is with us in it. And for our pagan friends who wonder, “Where is God when bad things happen?” we must ask them, “Where is your praise for God for all the good things that happen to you?” [Hebrews 2, 9, 10]

7. We are outraged by “undeserved” suffering. We have repented of sin, we serve God and man, “We’re all in” as the poker player calls it: we have a royal flush. And suddenly, out of nowhere, someone has created a new, winning hand. Our flush is crushed. We respond in anger to injustice but leave the ultimate response to The Just Judge. [Habakkuk]

8. A proper view of suffering suggests that the answer to pain will not be satisfied by welfare, government programs, warfare, or the judicial system. [Daniel 4:34-37]

9. Suffering happens, it cannot be prevented. For those who would want to blame God for suffering we must redirect their attention to Eden and our collective responsibility as the human race for the state we are in. [Genesis 3]

10. Protesting our pain before God is a godly position. ‘Lament’ is a form of expressing our human grief from a God-centered perspective. [Lamentations]

11. Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet: only through experience of trial and suffering. [Romans 5:1-4; 1 Peter]

12. If there is a beginning there will always be an end. If there is doubt, there is hope. If there is darkness, there is light. If there is pain, there is release. If there is heartache, there is joy. If there is a creation, there is a second coming. If there is a cross, there is an empty grave. If despair, delight. If mystery, worship its Author. If there is an underside to the tapestry, be assured the top side is being woven by Yahweh. [Job 42; Isaiah 60-66; Revelation 21-22]

Mark has been teaching the tapestry for four decades. The basis for this 4 part series was taken from a sermon preached in January, 2008 at Zionsville Fellowship, Zionsville, IN. The ‘lament’ series has been a guest blogging entry during March, 2012 at