How Do Christians Understand HUMAN CORRUPTION? Basic Bible Doctrine

Our sinfulness has permeated every part of our person.

While God’s image is maintained in the human person (Gen 1:26; 5:1) it is now distorted through the sinful father’s imprint (Gen 5:3). Humanity is now thoroughly permeated with evil from the intent of their thoughts (Jer 17:9-10) to the results of their actions (Titus 1:15-16). The conscience, still the standard of human judgment for those without special revelation (Rom 2:14-15), is warped, darkened, and hardened by sin (Eph 4:17-19). Thinking is so futile that anything “spiritual” cannot be fathomed apart from restoration of The Spirit (1 Co 2:14).

In so far as future salvation is concerned, people are blind (2 Co 4:4), lifeless (Rom 6:23; Eph 2:1), and helpless (John 6:44; 8:31-36; Eph 2:3). Humanity cannot save itself (cf. John 3:18; Acts 4:12). Similar to the ancient myth of Gilgamesh, Genesis 3:22-23 maintains immortality—apart from The Personal Eternal Triune Creator—eludes man and is unattainable through the temptation to be like God (3:2-5).

People are born with the seeds of sin planted deep within the soil of their person (cf. Gen 5:3; Ps 51:5; 58:3; Rom 5:12). There is no way that human beings can do anything to gain God’s acceptance (Rom 3:19-20). As it relates to eternal life, the “good” that people do is considered as putrid trash (cf. Isa 64:6; Phil 3:7-9). Christians struggle with sin (cf. Rom 7:17-25) even though The Father no longer holds our sin against us (cf. Rom 8:1-2).

Christians should fear God, the One who gave the law (Ex 20:18-20), who controls our eternal destiny (Matt 10:26-28), and who holds the key to true education (Prov 1:7:9:10). Ecclesiastes 7:20 places the capstone on the discussion: “There is not a righteous person on earth that does right and never sins.”

Current cultural teaching suggests that environment, biology, psychology, or a combination of the three may be the reason for human perversions. While these may accentuate human behavior, they are not the root cause of it (Mark 7:20-23). Sin is said to go through a “gestation” process where death is the result (Jas 1:14-15). While some would contend that true freedom is removal of restraint, Scripture is clear that sin enslaves (Prov 5:22; Romans 6:6, 14, 16, 19-21). Self-gratification is the central compulsion of humanity (Eph 2:3).

Natural aversion to responsibility avoids culpability at every turn (Gen 3:9-13). Each person sins as if they themselves were Adam (Rom 5:12). Nothing is hidden from God: even our thoughts are known (Ps 139:24-25; Heb 4:12-13). It is not only the act of rebellion for which all are accountable, it is the desire that spawns the deed which is also under judgment (Matt 5:21-22, 27-28).

Sin results in personal estrangement from God (Is 59:2) bringing both required wrath (Is 53:6) as well as internal conflict (Is 48:22), misery (Mic 7:1), self-loathing (Ezek 20:43), and restlessness (Is 57:20-21). Ultimately the sinner hardens themselves (Ps 95:8) and hates God (Ps 139:21). Men will venture down every avenue of trespass but, “The LORD…will not leave the guilty unpunished” (Nah 1:3).

Every individual, every institution is pervaded by corruption. Internal restraint is the best recourse to limit and lessen sin. Necessarily, accountability within community is the best human boundary, a result of transcendent light pushing back the darkness within the human mind and every human neighborhood.

 Dr. Eckel’s statement was originally written for “School Wide Biblical Integration,” an ACSI enabler in 2002, having been used in various venues since.

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