My Approach to Social Media

What to say and how to say it.

Give me a minute to explain

my approach to social media.

Here are seven of my approaches to social media.

(1) I will *never* apologize for communicating a biblical mindset.

(2) I will seek to begin with Scriptural doctrine applied to life.

(3) My starting point will always be theological, then, sociological.

(4) I will speak to cultural-political issues across a wide spectrum, founded in and submissive to a biblical-theological position.

(5) I will be glad to engage with individuals and their thoughtful ideas in a venue which suits us both. I will be judiciously honest when we disagree. I will celebrate our agreements while clearly identifying our differences

(6) I will seek to be irenic (peaceable) not polemic (combative) in my approach.

(7) Participating in verbal fights on social media is not my calling. Instead, I will care for wisdom (generous prudence), meekness (strength under control), and peace (not to be confused with weakness).

Thanks for spending this minute with me, Dr. Mark Eckel.

Mark Eckel (MA English, ThM Old Testament, PhD Social Science Research) is Executive Director of the Center for Biblical Integration, Liberty University.

“Give Me a Minute” is an ongoing effort to simply, clearly, and quickly explain aspects of true Truth.

Gratitude, as always, to my longtime friend, videographer, and tech guru Josh for his continued service.

Thanks for spending a minute with me, Dr. Mark Eckel.

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