Why is the idea of “warp and woof” important for everyday life?
Give Me a Minute to explain.
I agree with Augustine who said,
“We love Truth when it suits us, but hate Truth when it accuses us”
and with Os Guinness who said,
“If we do not have integration with truth in the whole of our life, we compartmentalize shaping the truth to our desires.”
Why am I so committed to understanding the world through The Word of God? Because I believe the best way to think about how to live is not separation but synthesis. The reason I named my first website Warp and Woof – where vertical and horizontal threads make up fabric – is because I am intent to discover wholeness.
When the science instructor reads about the universe, “God spoke and it stood firm,” she can declare that all properties and principles of science find their origin, function, and governance in what I call “Genesis law,” the beginning of all authorities.
Thanks for spending this minute with me, Dr. Mark Eckel.
Mark Eckel (MA English, ThM Old Testament, PhD Social Science Research) is Executive Director of the Center for Biblical Integration, Liberty University.
“Give Me a Minute” is an ongoing effort to simply, clearly, and quickly explain aspects of true Truth.
Gratitude, as always, to my longtime friend, videographer, and tech guru Josh for his continued service.
[From Augustine, Confessions, 10.23.34 and https://lausanne.org/video/plenary-2-truth-why-truth-matters and https://warpandwoof.org/christian-education/ ]