Three Questions for Wise Decisions

Decision making can be difficult.

Give me a minute to suggest three questions that could help.

How to respond and when to act are hard to know for certain. Here are three questions to ask yourself

(1) CAN I? What is your time and place in the world. What vocational gifts have you been given? Are you able and capable of action based on who you are?

(2) SHOULD I? The question is about ethics, about right and wrong. If I see that someone has a financial need – and I am able to contribute – how can I help? If I see a matter of right and wrong, how do I speak to the issue?

(3) MUST I? When is it imperative that I invest my abilities, time, energy, or finances? When someone asks what I believe, I MUST answer. When I have opportunity to defend women, children, and minorities, I MUST act. When prompted by God’s Spirit, I MUST act.

Thanks for spending this minute with me, Dr. Mark Eckel.

Mark Eckel (MA English, ThM Old Testament, PhD Social Science Research) is Executive Director of the Center for Biblical Integration, Liberty University.

“Give Me a Minute” is an ongoing effort to simply, clearly, and quickly explain aspects of true Truth.

Gratitude, as always, to my longtime friend, videographer, and tech guru Josh for his continued service.


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