While You Still Have Time

If you were shown a miracle, would you believe?

Give Me a Minute to explain.

The story is told of the deaths of two men, one rich, one poor. The rich man, who thought his life was a result of his work, found himself in torment, separated from God. The poor man, who believed that his life was a result of God’s grace, found himself in comfort, near to God.

The rich man now experienced the error of his belief. So, he cried out to God, asking that he appear to his brothers so that they would not make his eternal mistake.

God’s response? If the Bible is insufficient proof of God’s work in the world, neither will miracles persuade.

The story ends with these words,

“If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.”

Listen to the Word of God in this life before you enter eternal life.

Thanks for spending this minute with me, Dr. Mark Eckel.

[From Luke 16:19-31]

Mark Eckel (MA English, ThM Old Testament, PhD Social Science Research) is Executive Director of the Center for Biblical Integration, Liberty University.

“Give Me a Minute” is an ongoing effort to simply, clearly, and quickly explain aspects of true Truth.

Gratitude, as always, to my longtime friend, videographer, and tech guru Josh for his continued service.

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