Living with the Consequences

13th and final episode in our Summer 2024 series,

“With What Will You Replace It When It’s Gone?”

Find out what it will take to maintain freedom against tyranny. Watch our last Truth in Two.


Dr. Mark Eckel is Executive Director of the Center for Biblical Integration at Liberty University. Support (here). Find the YouTube Channel (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website) and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video).

Pictures: Josh Collingwood, Snappy Goat


At the beginning of the movie Boondock Saints, two young men are praying in church. During the service they walk the middle aisle to kiss the feet of the crucified Jesus’ statue. The Catholic priest tells the story of Kitty Genovese who, in 1964, was stabbed to death as neighbors stood by doing nothing as she called for help. As the two Irishmen leave the auditorium, the Catholic priest is heard to say, “There is another kind of evil we should fear most and that is the indifference of good men.” As they exit the building one says to the other, “I do believe the monsignor gets it.”

How should we think about any injustice in the world? Peace is what we desire but peace does not come out of mid-air. There is no justice without a standard, and that standard is righteousness. Justice then forms the basis for peace and finally peace establishes hope. We look for justice in this life. But notice what Proverbs 29:26 says, “Many seek the ruler’s favor, but justice for man comes from the Lord.” While we’re concerned for what happens now, we rest in the fact that ultimate justice, according to Psalm 73, will not take place until after this life.*

As I end this summer series, “What will you replace it with when it’s gone?” I implore us all to carefully consider the consequences of the following:

(1) giving the creation of laws to unelected government bureaucracies,

(2) forgetting the original basis for law rests upon The Transcendent Lawgiver, and

(3) accepting information given to us which does not consider all sides of a story.

If we stand for permanent things, for justice, freedom, honesty, truthfulness, and transparency, our children and grandchildren will thank us. For the Comenius Institute, refusing to be indifferent, this is Dr. Mark Eckel, Executive Director of the Center for Biblical Integration at Liberty University, personally seeking truth wherever it’s found.

*NOTE Some of the content of this essay was taken from my 17 November 2015 post at my earlier website


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