There is only one way to get it.
And it’s not the way you think.
Watch our Truth in True to understand how true, lasting change takes place (full text below).
Support (here). Find the YouTube Channel (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), teaching at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video). Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here).
Pictures: Josh Collingwood, Snappy Goat
Students in my classes, to their credit, write about change that they would like to see. Inspired by their youthful zeal to transform their world, I offer my own, biblical vision of change.
The Hebraic-Christian community must demonstrate to any culture, its counter-cultural approach to living. “Doing good” according to Titus (3:1, 8, 14), is based on a set standard for “good” (1:8), setting a pattern of good works (Titus 2:7) for all to see. However, that “goodness” is only possible by people whose lives have been transformed, inside-out, by the saving work of Jesus (Titus 3:5).
To think that cultural transformation can take place simply by changing laws or changing definitions of words to fit cultural concerns, will never solve cultural problems. Why? Because the root cause of our problems, is us. Paul goes on to tell Titus in his letter, that by themselves, people cannot do “anything that is good” (1:12-16).
Cultural change comes from individuals who are changed; their spirits transformed, no longer slaves to sin declares Romans 6 (15-23). These changes come from a transformed spirit born of The Spirit’s mindset Romans 8 (5-9) proclaims. People desiring cultural change, a change of heart, must first look to their own hearts, repent of their sin, and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus’ salvation (Romans 10:8-13). Economic change, for instance, cannot take place until Isaiah 58:6-8 is accomplished within God’s People. And what change does God require of His People?
The call to “loose the chains” of Isaiah 58:6 cannot be successful through governmental fiat, a top-down requirement given by cultural overlords. The promise of a great society has been shown to be an empty promise. If “light that breaks forth like the dawn” is to bring “speedy healing” according to Isaiah 58:8, the only lasting change is for the individual to be unchained from individual sin which may then unchain institutional sin. Like my students, I want change. But Scripture is clear: true, lasting, eternal and temporal change, begins with a changed heart, provided by the true change-agent, Jesus.
For Truth in Two, this is Dr. Mark Eckel, president of The Comenius Institute, believing The Truth of Scripture, that change begins first in me.