Asterisk *stars* are used for
emphasis instead of C*PITALIZING
expunging the vowel in a prof*nity
a symbol in c*lculation
footn*tes in essays
r*dialing the last call
For all these reasons
I will use the asterisk to mark
This year.
To expunge a day
To multiply days
To emphasize daily
To footnote the date
To star the calendar
To redial the number
It is a year to forget
It is a year to remember
It is a year, seared in me.
I wish for a mulligan
I wish for a do-over
I wish for an asterisked, 202*
*16 June 2022 our son, Tyler Micah ended his life, having fought the principalities and powers for 22 years. He died in the battle but lives on in Eternity, in history, in daily memory.